Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Last of the firedrakes

Title: The Last of the Firedrakes

Author: Farah Oomerbboy

Publisher: Wise Ink Creative publishing

Publishing Date: August 15th 2015


16-year-old Aurora Darlington is an orphan. Mistreated by her adopted family and bullied at school, she dreams of running away and being free. But when she is kidnapped and dragged through a portal into a magical world, suddenly her old life doesn't seem so bad.  Aurora must learn to yield her magic and the dangers that come from being the lost princess of Avalonia!...

My Review ....

I would like to begin with saying the world of Avalonia is pretty awesome and I thought it was definitely the best thing about the book, I found the creatures and the places where very cool and set the scenes super well. I found the storyline well thought out and I did find myself wanting to know what happens next. At the start of the book I personally thought Aurora was a bit of a crybaby for the first couple chapters she was always crying, but I presumed it might fit in with her in the end becoming a stronger person and it did,  However I found the intimate characterization in this book was weak I never really fell in love with the characters and I was always wanting to learn more about them. I also believe that since this is the start of the series that we will start to learn more about the character's in the next books. My favourite character has to be Rafe "the black wolf", I found that his story and character were really interesting! (and who doesn't like a mysterious bad ass prince?).
Overall I really enjoyed this book!

Would I recommend this book? Yes I would!
will I continue to read this series when the next book comes out? Definitely!
Rating- 4/5 :) 

**** I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review*****

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